
Most people are terrified of learning a new language. When it comes to learning mandarin the terror increases ten fold. Fortunately I have created a series of videos that will teach you easy and important Chinese characters. You will understand Chinese words, their phonetics and the context in which they are used. What more, because of our root system, you will build a foundation that most local Chinese do not have. Along the way you will also learn few simple dishes that will make you an instant classic amongst your asian peers and, or family members. Since food is a strong part of the Chinese culture I will help you get accepted in no time.

Chinkiang vinegar

How Good is Chinese Vinegar and Chinkiang in Particular?

Chinkiang vinegar follow on Chinese people’s long history of brewing vinegar. There is a saying “开门七件事, 财米油盐酱醋茶”, which means “There are seven daily essentials: fire woods, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.” The product is so versatile that it is used for such things as dipping sauce, marinades, and seasonings.

How Good is Chinese Vinegar and Chinkiang in Particular? Read More »