A Guide to the Best Rice For Your Electric Rice Cooker
Today I will introduce you to 5 different kinds of rice. These constitute the main types of rice you will encounter when you cook rice. And the information provided will be useful especially if you want to buy an electric rice cooker and wonder what kinds of rice you can cook with this machine.
1. Short grain rice (短粒米) loves electric rice cookers

This kind of rice is ideal to make these delicious sushi rolls. The individuality of the grains make it perfect to enjoy a cake like dish. This rice is ideal to go in an electric rice cooker.
The ratio of rice to water is : 1 cup of rice for 1.2 cups of water.
The second kind of rice is the long grain rice
2. Long Grain Rice (长粒米) also love the rice cooker

This kind is basmati style. Its great to cook fried rice as it absorbs more water and is less sticky. It allows a fluffy style that is perfect for egg fried rice for example. The grain is much longer than the first kind mentioned.
The ratio of rice to water is : 1 cup of rice for 1.4 cups of water.
The third kind is another long grain rice
3. Long grain gluten rice (长糯米) not so much

The length is similar to that of the basmati rice but the colour is plainer. This type of rice is good for many Asian types of desserts. It is normally not cooked in an electric rice cooker. There is not a precise portion between the rice and water, since you add the amount of water required for the type of sweet dish you want to cook.
The next kind is Italian risotto rice
4. Italian Risotto rice (意大利短米)

This type of rice is normally not cooked in the electric rice cooker either. It’s also a kind of short grain rice, though it is bigger and chubbier than the Japanese kind. The main reason why it is not cooked in the electric rice cooker is because you don’t add the water all at once. The liquid is added little by little.
The last one is the brown rice
5. Brown rice takes longer in an electric rice cooker

It’s a short grain brown rice. It has more fibre that the other short grain rice. It keeps more water and needs a little more preparation that the other rice that go into the rice cooker. This rice, therefore, requires to be soaked into water at least two hours before you cook it.
The ratio of rice to water is : 1 cup of rice for 2 cups of water
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